Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Don't Let Me Get Me!

The title for this post comes from Pink's "Don't Let Me Get Me." It's a great song. It has a great video as well. So great that I'm going to embed it, because that's just what I do.

You see, what I love about this song is the line, "I wanna be somebody else." I think, at my young age, everyone wants to be somebody else sometimes.

For instance, I would love to be her for just like an hour:

I know some people don't like her, but she is amazing, so those people can suck it.

But I would never actually want to be anyone else; it's just a little fantasy when I daydream. To be honest, I'm not even a huge fan of Halloween, because I don't have much desire to be anyone else but myself. 

The way I see it, there are general 4 categories that Halloweeners fall into:

1. Witty Costumers (which sometimes are not that witty, but just a general play on words or something)

Yes, Ted was a Hanging Chad. He did this for Halloween twice in search of the Slutty Pumpkin, which leads me to number 2.

2. Slutty People Who Want an Excuse to Dress Slutty Under the Guise of Halloween

Mean Girls (fantastic movie!) is a fine example of this category, and it is so true. High school girls love to slut it up on Halloween because their parents let them out of the house. Maybe I'm just bitter because I don't think I'll ever be OK with personally wearing lingerie out of the house. Unless I had legs like Rihanna. Then I'd never wear pants. EVER.

3. Caped Crusaders 

Aww, I love Sheldon Cooper. I really have no problem with this category. Unless you're a hairy, middle-aged man dressing up as a combo 2 & 3 category. I don't care about Slutty Superman is what I'm saying. Right?

4. Freaks who love Gore

I'll be honest. I've never been into the scary/gory costumes. They freak me out, and I hate them. I also hate the other kind of Gore-y costumes. 

Yes, this is a combo category. People who wear politician masks at Halloween annoy me. Oh, you're George Bush with monkey ears? SO CLEVER. And Al Gore with a big chin? EVEN FUNNIER.

If you go celebrate Halloween, please don't take this offensively. Or dress up as Categories 1 or 3. Make it clever or superhero. Bonus points for a clever superhero!

Anyways, have a fun Halloween (in another almost 8 months)!

1 comment:

  1. Good transition into talking about Halloween!
    And Ted's costume was pretty clever :)
