However, I have issues with the way some people play trivia. In fact, they play it wrong. I would go so far as to say some of these people deserve a bitch slap because they're making trivia look bad. Like Magic: The Gathering on steroids. For the record, that game is the worst game ever.
So these are the rules of trivia etiquette:
1. Don't ask to join another team. If I invite you because I feel bad you're by yourself, feel welcome to join if you'd like! But if I don't offer, don't ask. It makes it super awk for me, and it makes me cranky. Cranky K = hell.
2. Do not ring an effing bell or yell after you answer a question correctly. Depending on your team, you look arrogant or stupid. Also, trivia is usually done in smaller spaces. I don't want to hear screams from every corner of the small space. My ears thank you in advance.
3. Don't argue with the trivia master. He knows more than you do. And he will take it out on other teams when aggravated. And then I'll want to slap the eff out of you.
I'm sure there are more, but these get on my last. effing. nerve.
Hey now, there's one team to dings the little waiting bell after every one they get right and it doesn't bother us. I can't remember if it's Fritz or Aardvark... oh well. Although I do agree about inviting yourself, remember that one time it happened over the summer when someone I had been with earlier that day invited him/herself? That was awful!